MEDIPLUS TRICARE Reserve Select Supplement

MEDIPLUS TRICARE Reserve Select Supplement  


MEDIPLUS® TRS Supplement Insurance

Eligible drilling members of the National Guard and Reserves qualify for DoD's TRICARE Reserve Select health coverage plan. That means those that are Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) members also qualify for the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) MEDIPLUS TRICARE Reserve Select Supplement, which includes these valuable benefits:

  • Guaranteed Acceptance for You and Your Family (subject to the Pre-Existing Conditions Limitation)
  • Affordable Members-Only Monthly Group Rates
  • Pays Covered Excess Charges
  • Current Health Condition Waiting Period may be Waived
  • Guaranteed Satisfaction  30 Day Free Look


New! When you enroll in MEDIPLUS®, you will be automatically enrolled and have access to Wellness Discounts. The Wellness Discounts can help you save even more money on even wider range of health care services with discounts for gyms, chiropractic care, acupuncture and more.  Learn more in the Wellness Discounts section below.


Tell Me More

Why choose the MEDIPLUS® TRICARE Reserve Select Supplement Insurance Plan?

MOAA sponsors the MEDIPLUS® TRICARE Reserve Select Supplement Insurance Plan to help reduce your unexpected out-of-pocket expenses. The MEDIPLUS TRICARE Reserve Select Supplement helps cover cost-shares not fully reimbursed by TRICARE for covered doctor visits, hospital stays, surgeries, prescription drug cost-shares and covered excess charges (up to 15% above the TRICARE allowed amount), once any applicable TRICARE deductible has been met.


The MEDIPLUS TRICARE Reserve Select Supplement has you covered:

  • Pays cost-shares and co-pays
  • Pays covered excess charges (up to 15% above the TRICARE allowed amount)
  • Affordable members-only group rates
  • Guaranteed acceptance for eligible MOAA members and their families — you’re covered immediately for all new health conditions. Any current injuries or illnesses are subject to the Pre-Existing Conditions Limitation and are covered after six months.
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These form(s) are in Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF) format and are available for downloading and printing.

Note: MEDIPLUS may not be available in all states.


Tips for Filing a MEDIPLUS® Claim

Claim Form

HIPAA Privacy Notice

  • Rates

    Affordable Members-Only Monthly Group Rates


    Thanks to the collective buying power of Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) members, you pay an affordable, members-only group rate. See your monthly rate below:


      Nonsmoker* Smoker
    Member $8.32 $8.78
    Spouse $8.32 $8.78
    Each Child $7.26 N/A


    Wellness Discounts Monthly Rates**
      Cost Cost per Person
    Member Only $5.00  
    Spouse Only $5.00  
    Member & Spouse $10.00 $5.00 Member + $5.00 Spouse
    Member & Child $5.00 $5.00 Member + $0 Child(ren)
    Spouse & Child $5.00 $5.00 Spouse + $0 Child(ren)
    Family  $10.00 $5.00 Member + $5.00 Spouse + $0 Child(ren)
    Child(ren) Only N/A  


    *You're classified as a nonsmoker if you haven't smoked cigarettes, cigars or used a pipe or chewing tobacco, nicotine product or snuff during the 12 months prior to the date you apply for coverage.


    **Wellness Discounts are $5.00/month for Member and $5.00/month for Spouse. Children will have access to the same Wellness Discounts if a Member and/or Spouse has the Wellness Discounts. Wellness Discounts for Child(ren) Only is not available. The Wellness Discounts are not insurance. Wellness Discounts are not underwritten by, provided by, or endorsed by Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company. If you wish to opt out of these great value-added Wellness Discounts, please call 1-800-247-2192 or visit to cancel.

    For your convenience, you'll be billed quarterly. Rates and/or benefits may be changed on a class-wide basis.

  • Wellness Discounts

    • Alternative Health & Fitness – Discounts of 10 to 50% for gym memberships, chiropractic care, acupuncture and more.
    • Mental Wellness – Mental Health Counseling sessions with a licensed professional counselor for $80 per session.
    • Durable Medical Supply Discounts – Save between 5% and 40% on diabetic supplies, beds, wheelchairs, insulin pumps and more.
    • Expert Medical Review – Get a second opinion of your case in the event of a serious or complex medical diagnosis. $100 per session.


    These Wellness Discounts will be available to MOAA Members and their Spouses regardless of age. Upon reaching age 65, you will be able to keep access to the Wellness Discounts as long as you choose.


    Wellness Discounts are $5.00/month for Member and $5.00/month for Spouse. Children will have access to the same Wellness Discounts if a Member and/or Spouse has the Wellness Discounts. If you wish to opt out of these great value-added Wellness Discounts, please call 1-800-247-2192 or visit to cancel.


    Wellness Discounts are not underwritten by, provided by, or endorsed by Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company.


    Wellness Discounts Information:

    THIS PLAN IS NOT INSURANCE and is not intended to replace health insurance. This plan does not meet the minimum creditable coverage requirements under M.G.L. c.111M and 956 CMR 5.00. This plan is not a Qualified Health Plan under the Affordable Care Act. The range of discounts will vary depending on the type of provider and service. The plan does not pay providers directly. Plan members must pay for all services but will receive a discount from participating providers. The list of participating providers is at A written list of participating providers is available upon request. You may cancel within the first 30 days after effective date or receipt of membership materials (whichever is later) and receive a full refund. Discount Plan Organization and administrator: Careington International Corporation, 7400 Gaylord Parkway, Frisco, TX 75034; phone 800-441-0380.


    The Wellness Discounts are not available in Utah, Vermont or Washington.

  • Plan Details

    Guaranteed Acceptance for You and Your Family

    As a member of Military Officers Association of America (MOAA), you are guaranteed acceptance. This means your acceptance into this plan is guaranteed. However, the insurance benefits payable are subject to the Pre–Existing Conditions Limitation.

    Your spouse and children (under age 21 or 23 if full–time student or 26 if enrolled in TRICARE Young Adult; or age 25 if a resident of Montana) are also guaranteed acceptance too. Your Military Officers Association of America (MOAA)–sponsored MEDIPLUS coverage begins the first day of the month after the administrator receives your completed Enrollment Form and your first premium payment. MEDIPLUS covers new health conditions right away. For pre-existing health conditions, the waiting period is 6 months.

    Valuable Coverage

    The MEDIPLUS TRICARE Reserve Select Supplement offers you and your family coverage for Hospital bills, doctor bills, and prescription drugs. Once you pay the annual TRICARE Reserve Select deductible, MEDIPLUS works with TRICARE Reserve Select to help cover your medical expenses.

    Pays Covered Excess Charges

    If your TRICARE-authorized doctor charges you more than what TRICARE allows, you’re left to pay the rest of the bill. Not with MEDIPLUS, because it covers up to 15% of covered excess charges above the TRICARE-allowed amount after the TRICARE deductibles are met. This is especially valuable because excess charges can’t be applied to TRICARE’s annual catastrophic cap.

    Pre-existing Conditions Limitation (Waiting Period for Current Health Conditions)

    If you enroll in this MEDIPLUS TRICARE Reserve Select Supplement within 30 days of the date your TRICARE Reserve Select coverage begins, you and your family will qualify for MEDIPLUS without the waiting period for current health conditions.

    Change in Military Status? MEDIPLUS Has Other Options for You

    If you go back to Active Duty: If you are covered by this MEDIPLUS TRICARE Reserve Select Supplement and then are reactivated to active duty, your family will then qualify for Active Duty TRICARE Select or TRICARE Prime.
    If you decide to stay with TRICARE Select, your family may still need a supplement. MEDIPLUS Active Duty Family TRICARE Select Supplement would be available to you. This supplement has similar benefits as the TRICARE Reserve Select Supplement.

    If you are Deactivated: If you go back on active duty and purchase TRICARE Reserve Select when you are deactivated, you can switch back to the MEDIPLUS TRICARE Reserve Select Supplement without any waiting period as long as you let us know within 30 days of the date your TRICARE Reserve Select coverage begins.

    Should any of these situations occur, please call the Plan Administrator at 1-800-247-2192 immediately to discuss the best options for you and your family. You must inform the administrator of any changes to your primary TRICARE coverage as you are their only source for that information.  


    DirectClaim: MOAA’s electronic filing process for MEDIPLUS TRICARE Supplement claims

    Filing MEDIPLUS claims is fast and easy with DirectClaim, another unique benefit to MEDIPLUS. With DirectClaim, you will not have to complete MEDIPLUS claim paperwork after you access most of your eligible TRICARE benefits. You will be informed when your claim is filed electronically by a message on your MEDIPLUS Explanation of Benefits (EOB) form.


    Please be aware that some TRICARE Supplement claims cannot be processed electronically, such as any prescription claims and most Skilled Nursing or Skilled Nursing Facility, nursing home claims and claims filed from overseas. For these, you will need to submit paper claim filings to MEDIPLUS. Claim forms are accessible on this website.


    If a claim for service is submitted through DirectClaim and TRICARE has paid the provider(s) directly, any payment due under a MEDIPLUS TRICARE Reserve Select Supplement will be paid directly to the provider(s).


    It's important that the MEDIPLUS applicant’s name appears on the enrollment form the same as it is on their military ID card to ensure proper claims processing.


    If you have any questions about DirectClaim, please call the MOAA Insurance Plans Administrator at 1-800-247-2192 or email [email protected]


    Guaranteed Satisfaction

    Your satisfaction is guaranteed with MEDIPLUS. Take 30 days after you receive your Certificate of Insurance to examine the coverage. Pay for it only after you determine it’s the right protection for you. If you’re not completely satisfied with MEDIPLUS after the 30–day free look, return your Certificate to cancel your request for coverage. You’re under no obligation.


    This is a listing of highlights for this Insurance plan. Be sure to review the entire website for a detailed plan description.

    Type of Insurance: MEDIPLUS TRICARE Reserve Select Supplement
    Designed For: Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) members and dependents
    Underwritten by: Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company, One Hartford Plaza, Hartford, CT 06155
    Policy Form Number: TRICARE Form Series includes GBD-3000, GBD-3100, or state equivalent.
    Policy Number: AGP-5889


    As a TRICARE-covered member of MOAA under age 65, you and your family are eligible for coverage. Your spouse or children can also enroll as long as you are enrolled in the plan. Your spouse is eligible as long as he/she is under age 65, not yet eligible for Medicare and not legally separated or divorced from you. Your unmarried children are eligible if they are under age 21 (23 if enrolled full-time in higher-learning or 26 if enrolled in TRICARE Young Adult; or age 25 if a resident of Montana). Member and Spouse may not duplicate coverage by enrolling as dependents of each other.


    Your MEDIPLUS protection will not be canceled due to claims or a change in your health, and you cannot be singled out for a rate increase. Your coverage continues as long as you pay your premiums when due, keep your Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) membership, remain ineligible for Medicare and the MEDIPLUS master policy remains in force. Your dependent’s coverage will remain in effect as long as your coverage is active, premiums are paid, and they meet eligibility requirements. Your spouse is eligible for coverage as long as they are not legally separated or divorced from you.

    Hospital/Skilled Nursing Facility:

    Hospital means an institution which TRICARE recognizes as a hospital. Skilled Nursing Facility means an institution that: operates pursuant to law; in addition to room and board accommodations, is primarily engaged in providing skilled nursing care under the supervision of a Physician; provides continuous 24 hour a day nursing service by or under the supervision of a registered graduate nurse (R.N.); and maintains a daily medical record of each patient. Skilled Nursing Facility does not mean a Hospital or any institution or part thereof that is used mainly as a home or place for: the aged, or for rest, custodial or educational care; alcoholism and drug addiction; the treatment of Mental Illness. Confined or Confinement means being an inpatient in a Hospital or Skilled Nursing Facility due to Sickness or Injury.

    Pre-Existing Conditions Limitation (Waiting Period for Current Health Conditions):

    We will not pay a benefit under The Policy for any expenses Incurred: during the first 6 months of the Covered Person’s coverage; and which are the result of Pre-existing Conditions. Please consider this limitation before canceling any other health insurance you may have.

    Exclusions and Limitations:

    These TRICARE Supplements do not cover: 1.) injury or sickness resulting from war or act of war, whether war is declared or undeclared; 2.) intentionally self-inflicted injury; 3.) suicide or attempted suicide, whether sane or insane. The Policy limits coverage for: 1) routine physical exams and immunizations, except when: a) rendered to a child up to 6 years from the child’s birth; or b) ordered by a Uniformed Service: i)for a Covered Dependent of an Active Duty Member; ii)for such Dependent’s travel out of the United States due to your assignment; or c) required for school enrollment (but not sports physicals) by a Covered Child aged 5 through 11; 2) domiciliary or custodial care; 3) eye refractions and routine eye exams except when rendered to a child up to 6 years from the child’s birth; 4) eyeglasses and contact lenses; 5) prosthetic devices, except those covered by TRICARE; 6) cosmetic procedures, except those resulting from Sickness or Injury, while a Covered Person; 7) hearing aids; 8) orthopedic footwear; 9) care for the mentally or physically incapacitated if: a) the care is required because of the mental or physical incapacitation; b) or the care is received by an Active Duty Member’s child who is covered by the TRICARE Extended Care Health Option (ECHO); 10) drugs which do not require a prescription, except insulin; 11) dental care unless such care is covered by TRICARE, and then only to the extent that TRICARE covers such care; 12) any confinement, service, or supply that is not covered under TRICARE; 13) Hospital nursery charges for a well newborn, except as specifically provided under TRICARE; 14) any routine newborn care except Well Baby Care; 15) any expense or portion thereof which is in excess of the Legal Limit; 16) expenses in excess of the TRICARE Catastrophic Cap; 17) that part of any Covered Expense which is in excess of the TRICARE Allowed Amount, except as otherwise stated in the plan benefits; 18) expenses which are paid in full by TRICARE; 19) any expense or portion thereof applied to the TRICARE Outpatient Deductible; 20) purchase of a wheel chair, hospital type bed, or other durable equipment, unless TRICARE determines that purchasing the equipment costs less than renting it; 21) any part of a Covered Expense which the Covered Person is not legally obligated to pay because of payment by a TRICARE alternative program; 22) any claim under more than one of the TRICARE Supplement Plans. If a claim is payable under more than one plan or benefit, payment will only be made under the provision that provides the highest coverage.

    Important Information Regarding Veterans’ Administration (VA) Hospitals: TRICARE supplement insurance policies pay benefits only after TRICARE has first reviewed and approved the expense. A review by TRICARE results in a TRICARE Explanation of Benefits (“EOB”). Many VA Hospitals currently do not submit their claims through TRICARE. Only claims TRICARE processes, resulting in an EOB, are subject to benefits under Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company’s TRICARE supplement insurance policies. If you use VA facilities for your care, please be aware of this TRICARE supplement policy requirement.

    VA Hospitals also can charge the veteran a Category C co-payment based on a means test per Public Law 99 Section 272. This law specifically applies only to the veteran and not the insurance company. Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company is not liable for payment of these charges.

    Backed by Military Officers Association of America (MOAA)

    Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) endorses only one group of TRICARE Supplements on the market: MEDIPLUS. You can trust Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) to recommend only the best plan that meets their strict guidelines.


Answers about the plan, including eligibility, options, enrollment, customer service and more.
  • Who is eligible for this insurance?

    This supplement is only for Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) members under age 65 and their families. You and your family may not yet be eligible for Medicare. Your spouse and children can also enroll as long as you are enrolled in the plan. Your spouse is eligible as long as he/she is under age 65 and not legally separated or divorced from you. Your unmarried children are eligible if they are under age 21 (23 if enrolled full-time in higher-learning or 26 if enrolled in TRICARE Young Adult; or age 25 if a resident of Montana).

  • What if I have second thoughts after I enroll?

    You will have 30 days from the date coverage is effective to review the insurance certificate. If you are not satisfied with the terms of the certificate, simply return it to the Insurance Administrator and any premiums paid will be refunded in full, minus any claims paid.

  • How do I enroll?

    To enroll online click on the 'Get a Quote Now' button. Or, you can choose to download an enrollment form.

  • Do I have to meet with an insurance agent?

    Issuance of this Insurance coverage is handled over the Internet and the mail. You can review the materials in the privacy of your home and purchase your Insurance directly through the mail without meeting with an agent. You can, of course, talk to a customer service representative if you'd like by calling 1-800-247-2192.

Plan may not be available in all states.

This website explains the general purpose of the insurance described, but in no way changes or affects the policy as actually issued. In the event of a discrepancy between this website and the policy, the terms of the policy apply. All benefits are subject to the terms and conditions of the policy. Policies underwritten by Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company detail exclusions, limitations and terms under which the policies may be continued in full or discontinued. Complete details are in the Certificate of Insurance issued to each insured individual and the Master Policy issued to the policyholder. This program may vary and may not be available to residents of all states.

Your association shares a financial interest in this program, which benefits the entire membership.


Program Offered by: Association Member Benefits Advisors, LLC., which acts as the insurance broker for the Group Policyholder, is appointed by The Hartford, and is compensated for the placement of insurance.


TRICARE Form Series includes GBD-3000, GBD-3100, or state equivalent.



Contact Us

We're here to help! Please contact us in whatever manner is most convenient for you.

4050 114th Street
Urbandale, Iowa 50322
 M-F 7:30a-6p CT
[email protected]
 Insurance Company Address
Hartford Life Insurance Company
One Hartford Plaza
Hartford, CT 06155